Отзывы наших пользователей из Sweden
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    , 58 лет
    Швеция, Gavle

    Jag har via denna dating site fått kontakt med flera mycket trevliga och seriösa kvinnor från Ryssland, Ukraina och Kazakstan. Inna från Ukraina föll för mig och jag för henne. Nu är det bara att hoppas på god fortsättning.
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    , 54 лет
    Швеция, Linkoping

    Jag har träffat en kvinna
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    , 50 лет
    Швеция, Gothenburg

    Hittat tjej, mycket nöjd..
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    , 51 лет
    Швеция, Falun

    This site was very good
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    , 54 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    i found my girl
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    , 44 лет
    Швеция, Malmo

    To Olga, yes its true many men get carried away with pictures of younger women and dream about such relations, however the serious man is more circumspect and will not chase such young women. I am 41, I have no interest at all in women under 30, maybe 28 is as far as I will go, it depends on the person - really I prefer someone closer to my own age, with same level of life experience, wisdom and knowledge and that is only learned through the years. Youth is not always beautiful, many women close to my age are far more attractive - they are women, not girls, I want a women not someone who is young enough to be my daughter. I wish more men would learn this.
  • avatar

    , 44 лет
    Швеция, Malmo

    Pretty good site, good features, the messaging/contact management features are very good, however the site really needs a "Not Interested" button to ease/automate that part of this "process". I think a lot of people, like me, will probably just ignore unwanted contacts - which is not really good for anyone and leaves others hanging - but its a time consuming task to let someone down easy. Another nice feature would be some info on search results indicating if you have contacted this person before, e.g. "you last messaged this person on...", that sort of thing would be very useful on such a big site with so many members.
  • avatar

    , 27 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    The best site ever! ;-) Good luck to luck to you all!
  • avatar

    , 27 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    we will meet soon and things will be better!
    long time but finally x)
  • avatar

    , 50 лет
    Швеция, Goteborgs och Bohus

    It was a good start, and I meet my love here..
  • avatar

    , 53 лет
    Швеция, Goteborgs och Bohus

    I found my love here on your site and now all is perfect and I love her and we are a couple
  • , 43 лет
    Швеция, Norrkoping

    i fell my eyas started to tears when i read all this happy endings. i hope will find my soulmate here too. best wishes to all of you
  • avatar

    , 29 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    i found somebody
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    , 52 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    I have found some!
  • Обручен/а

    , 46 лет
    Швеция, Other

    I have find my dream women. we get marry 7/10-2011.
    that is wy i dont nead to be on this site any more.
  • avatar

    , 46 лет
    Швеция, Other

    This site is fantastik. i rekomend this site to the menn wanted to find a Russian women
  • avatar

    , 29 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    i have got good communication so we see how this go! it seems to be a very good site though and good admins! ;) if things doesnt work out i will definitly come back! thank you for everything!
  • avatar

    , 67 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    Det här är en bra sajt, men jag har hittat den jag vill ha, jag kan rekomendera er, tack
  • Женат/замужем

    , 64 лет
    Швеция, Stockholm

    I will marry 14th of May with a wonderful woman that I met here.
  • avatar

    , 49 лет
    Швеция, Other

    i been lucky here.thank you!!
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